Single: Losing Sleep by Ali & the Parade

The latest release from Ali & the Parade, fronted by Scottish singer-songwriter and musician Ali Robertson, is Losing Sleep, an up-tempo, foot-tapping track about the honeymoon phase of a relationship. The press release refers to it as “alternative pop-rock with flashes of funk and soul – think Bruno Mars meets Prince”, and I wholeheartedly agree. The tone of Ali’s voice is fairly aspirate, using falsetto in the chorus, which has a touch of pop-vocal nasality. This element is subtle however, and complements the mix of genres, contrasting with his richer lower range. This song does have echoes of Prince’s classic number Kiss, with a similar syncopated rhythm section, funk guitars, a carefree, happy-go-lucky melody, and a similar lyrical theme.  

Losing Sleep starts with a punchy bassline that continues throughout, instantly bringing the funk element and giving a solid foundation for the rest of the arrangement to cling onto. The ‘alt’ side of the alt-pop-rock genre comes across most in the percussion, which begins alongside the bass. It includes reverb-enhanced off-beat claps, snaps, and quirky sound effects. In tandem with the bassline, this unusual percussion acts as part of the ‘hook’, making the song instantly catchy from the get-go. A sprinkle of smooth organ in the latter end of the track adds a cool, classic soul atmosphere and complements the funk guitar riffs. 

The lyrics are simple and straightforward – confident and flirtatious, relatable to just about anyone who has experienced that all-consuming, euphoric attraction towards a new love interest. This slightly raunchy topic is successfully portrayed in a romantic (rather than sleazy or crude) way. The funk and soul elements are a great choice for this type of lyric.  

The track’s accompanying music video, directed by Sean de Francesco, brings the frisky, playful theme to life. Despite choosing the wry name of ‘Tired Spice’ for a would-be Spice Girl persona in his interview with Divine Magazine, Ali, his fellow band members and the others featured in the video conquer their tiredness with an energetic mix of avant-garde and funk-inspired dancing, adding a timeless romance element with a dash of ballroom/tango. Everyone is almost literally bouncing off the walls, as the carefully choreographed (yet still fluid and chaotic) movements escalate into a playful pillow-fight, feathers flying.  At the end, all except Ali collapse with exhaustion, befitting the lyric “we can sleep when we’re dead”. The combination of Ali’s suave, suit-clad moves, enticing, come-hither gaze and cheeky smile make me think of the image Olly Murs was going for – and to my mind somewhat missed the mark on – when he shot to fame in 2010. Ali, however, pulls it off with effortless charisma and charm, helped along by a dusting of British irony.  

All in all, this catchy little number is sure to bring at least a hint of a grin to your face, no matter your level of sleep deprivation. Fun, energetic, witty, and seductive, it successfully brings a quirky, alternative edge to a mélange of classic genres with an uplifting mood and a smoothly performed, sing-along-able melody. Put this record on, and it’ll get you and your potential significant other wanting to ditch your early night for making some moves on the dance floor – or indeed somewhere else… 

Zoë Moskal

Zoë is a vocalist, instrumentalist, songwriter, and arranger from North Berwick.


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